Born in Nigeria...Lives in Canada .Blogging about my Life and the things that affect me.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A few hours without internet

I'm fortunate enough to be able to work from home once in a while and today seemed liked the the perfect day to do some research for work on my laptop, because it was almost 44 degrees outside and I had no intentions of leaving my house and start running for buses to get to work. My days seemed to be perfectly planned, a little nap, video games and work, this was my plan until I tried going on my email and for some reason there was no internet access, I finally gave up after slamming on the refresh button a couple of times and decided to restart my router which is what I was told to do my my provider's automated response to internet problems. I restarted the router about 10 times and still had the same result, after this I came to the reality that I'd have to go at least 30 minutes without internet, 30 minutes turned into 7 full hours of no internet access, I felt like my whole life was on a standby as I couldn't check my email, tweet on twitter or even link with some new people on my linkedin account. Although I have the bbm app on my blackberry device, it still wasn't the same as going on the internet and randomly coming across new findings. My whole life seems to be less interesting as I didn't want to go out because of this heat and I got tired of watching tv, all I wanted to do was to go on the internet. This shows just how important internet is in today's world, even finding not so current information can be a breeze using the Internet compared to driving to a library and searching for possibly hours just to find some specific information is a task many of us have experienced.  With the internet I can connect to ideas and people from all over the world from the comfort and laziness  of my own couch! :D

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