Born in Nigeria...Lives in Canada .Blogging about my Life and the things that affect me.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Batman Shooter James Holmes A Super Villain For An Entire Generation

Last week, a young man's fancy turns to guns and death. There is no excuse for the rain of bullets and terror unleashed in Aurora, Colorado, early Friday morning by a man the media has already named "The Batman Psycho" — aka James Holmes. The families of those who died and the survivors of the attack will take years to recover. Gun control advocates and gun rights stalwarts have another brutal Colorado attack to argue over for years to come.

However, there are several conversations that will likely not occur. It is unlikely that the aftermath of the Colorado shooting rampage will be a moment when we as a country reflect upon the relationship between masculinity and violence. There most certainly will not be a "beer summit" about how accused shooter James Holmes is one more entry in a long list of mass killers who are white, male, and young.
When viewed through the white racial frame, there is nothing in his deeds on last Friday night that reflects upon the behavior of white people, generally, or white men in particular. From this perspective, his dressing up as The Joker, and killing more than a dozen people, and wounding many more, are the actions of one sick person.

As folks have worked through many times before in the common "what if?" game of race in America, if James Holmes were black or brown this would be one more signal to the existence of a "pathological culture" among said group. If James Holmes were Muslim American the Colorado shooting would be a clear act of "terrorism," and an example of the Islamic bogeyman next door who has occupied the dreams and nightmares of the "heartland" since September 11th. In one devastating burst of fire, he has ruined movie going for an entire generation. He has associated one of the most popular superheroes with the darkest side of human nature.

In America, folks often ask, "what the hell is wrong with black people?" In the aftermath of the Colorado Movie Massacre, Columbine, and many other incidents, we need to ask, "what the hell is wrong with young white men?

Sadly, that question will not be asked on a national stage. White privilege is blinding. In the case of James Holmes, it also mutes a much needed national conversation about the ties between (white) masculinity and violence.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the article, but do not like the title. The only thing "super" this guy qualifies as is a "super idiot" or "super loser".

    Super villains kill many many thousands and sometimes get away with it, characters such as the Joker had armies of followers, in real life Stalin, Pol Pot and Hitler come to mind each of them killing millions.

    The heads of many very large corporations that manage to maintain apparent innocence similar the Marvel's "The King Pin" might also qualify.

    This idiot however just shot a few poor people and got caught. He wants people to think he is a super villain, but is such a failure on so many fronts, even as a bad guy. One day soon he will regret not turning the gun on himself at the end of it I am sure. One can only hope there is a hell beyond jail that he will have to deal with.

    Culture and upbringing help make people like him, not skin color, he was possibly shamed too much as a child, and did not get enough love and attention, which is why he seeks it so desperately now. Beyond this of course is his insanity which is the most important ingredient in this. This is the product of those things mixing.


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